
Part 3: The structure of focus as the insight’s foundation

Part 3: The structure of focus as the insight’s foundation

In her speech My stroke of insight, the neurophysiologist Jill Bolte Taylor funnily describes her sudden insight into Oneness. The suddenness of her insight is due to the sudden stroke. It is given to some to realize Oneness due to an extreme situation, however, the sudden insight of the most of us is based on the structure of focus, which is a matter of the gradual process of developing our ability to focus, and if we are talking about the ability to focus, the method of meditation for me personally represents the most effective training of it. The essence of...
Part 2: Oneness (Inhale AND Exhale)

Part 2: Oneness (Inhale AND Exhale)

The Archetype is the Grandthought »I am«, and if we look upon it as a mathematical plane, man and woman become perpendicular axes of the coordinate system. The all-embracing information of the Grandthought »I am« surpasses duality, which means, that (on the microscopic level) Oneness is man and woman simultaneously. The simultaneousness of Oneness is most easily understood via the usage of the coordinate system: the simultaneousness is most obvious in the Point (0,0) or the Origin of the coordinate system. The origin of the human existence is Inhale AND Exhale, because to separate them means to die. Focusing on...
Part 1: Oneness as the Archetype (of man and woman)

Part 1: Oneness as the Archetype (of man and woman)

A Cherokee proverb contains one of the most beautiful descriptions of the Archetype (of man and woman) I have ever read: »A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with the Origin. A man's highest calling is to protect woman so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed.«   A deepened analysis of the proverb's message delivers us to a state of ignorance, which is the inability to append any kind of individualized role, action, quality or body to the Archetype (of man and woman) The Cherokee proverb is an...
Introduction: Man and Woman as Oneness

Introduction: Man and Woman as Oneness

Individual texts of the entirety titled Man and Woman as Oneness are extracts of an insight and as such (only) offer the entrance coordinates for straightforwardness, simplicity and effectiveness of the all-embracing information. Travellers on the road of self-enquiry, I bid you safe travels!